This BBQ kielbasa is a great party appetizer that you can make in your slow cooker. I make it every year for the Big Game and it disappears. The ingredients...
This BBQ kielbasa is a great party appetizer that you can make in your slow cooker. I make it every year for the Big Game and it disappears. The ingredients...
Deli tray with scary meat head. Super simple to do. For the tray, use the kinds of meats and cheeses you like (we used turkey, ham, roast beef, mild Cheddar,...
This is one of my favorite appetizers I make on the holidays when it's my turn to cook. It's very tasty if you like prosciutto, garlic, spinach, and ricotta...
This is another odd kielbasa recipe that surprises everyone. It's always a winner at parties. The best type of honey mustard for this recipe is a mustard...
This super simple and delicious recipe has been in my family for generations. It can be made as an appetizer or main dish, and everyone always loves it!...
Thanks to social media, food bloggers, and celebrity chefs with too much time on their hands, pork belly was/is all the rage. It's a common sight on menus...
All the deliciousness of pork fried rice in a portable, bite-sized format. Serve these meatballs with homemade sweet and sour sauce for a fun treat at...
These are easy, delicious, and great for any party! I make them every year as appetizers for Christmas. These can be refrigerated for a few days if any...
These are easy, delicious, and great for any party! I make them every year as appetizers for Christmas. These can be refrigerated for a few days if any...
SPAM® is not something I eat often but when I do, I like it extra crispy. I found a can in the pantry and decided to give it a go in the air fryer. The...
Perfect warm, hearty and easy app for cold weather breakfasts, holiday meal gatherings or football weekends. These are also easy enough for the kids to...
Serve these warm and have some slices of a thin French loaf on the side to sop the juices. Also, instead of toothpicks, set out an old fashioned glass...
This traditional recipe is from the area of Northern China. Wonton wrappers are stuffed with finely chopped vegetables and pork, then fried and served...
This traditional recipe is from the area of Northern China. Wonton wrappers are stuffed with finely chopped vegetables and pork, then fried and served...
This is another odd kielbasa recipe that surprises everyone. It's always a winner at parties. The best type of honey mustard for this recipe is a mustard...
This is another odd kielbasa recipe that surprises everyone. It's always a winner at parties. The best type of honey mustard for this recipe is a mustard...
This is another odd kielbasa recipe that surprises everyone. It's always a winner at parties. The best type of honey mustard for this recipe is a mustard...
Prosciutto-wrapped asparagus is an extremely easy and elegant appetizer. Asparagus spears are wrapped in a sheath of prosciutto, then baked until crispy....
This appetizer is a holiday favorite at my house. Meaty, cheesy, and delicious! Perfect way to get the kids involved. They can make the whole dish with...
Thanks to social media, food bloggers, and celebrity chefs with too much time on their hands, pork belly was/is all the rage. It's a common sight on menus...